AI in the workplace - Volvox Digital

The rise of AI in the workplace

AI is throwing in an unexpected twist on work – are people ready to roll with the changes?

The rise of artificial intelligence over the past few years has taken the job market by storm, and it’s not showing any signs of slowing down. In fact, recent reports have revealed some staggering statistics about AI’s spread across various industries. From an 8 percent adoption rate among smaller firms to a whopping 28 percent in larger companies, it’s clear that AI is no longer a luxury but a necessity for businesses looking to stay ahead of the curve. With these numbers expected to continue increasing in the years to come, it’s essential that workers keep pace with this trend if they want to remain relevant.

Will AI take your job? 

Not in our opinion! But it seems that Artificial Intelligence has become the good cop/bad cop of the job market. On the one hand, AI can speed up tedious tasks and elevate productivity to new heights, making employers feel like they’re living in the future. On the other hand, it’s got employees shaken. No one likes the idea of being replaced by a machine, but with AI’s increasing importance in a lot of different industries, it’s hard to deny its powers. 

For example, mathematicians, analysts, researchers, and writers are stepping into the future by embracing AI – with its capabilities to turbocharge their output! By judiciously using AI’s enhanced productivity tools at hand they are making more from less.  By incorporating this powerful tool into their workflow, they squeeze out much greater outcomes in less time. A wise choice indeed, embracing AI instead of shunning it away!

“AI taking over the world!” 

We may not be facing a robot uprising à la Skynet, but the job market is undeniably changing. Companies are now scrambling for tech-savvy employees who can help them navigate the ever-changing landscape. According to a recent survey by McKinsey, almost half of reskilled internal resources are to fill AI-related roles. That’s right – current workers don’t have to be the new guys in the office to become AI masterminds. Re-training existing staff to learn new AI skills, seems to be the best approach. I.e. giving employees the opportunity to learn AI tools, to boost their productivity and creative output to become even more valuable assets to their organisation.

AI’s Implication on SEO

In 2016, Google took a leap into the future with an AI-powered search engine algorithm. Fast forward to 2022 and ChatGPT made artificial intelligence part of everyday life – shaking up SEO along the way! Despite these changes being viewed as beneficial by most, there are still some who claim things have gone downhill since its arrival.

  • Using AI for Content Writing – Search engines are known for rewarding those who use innovative techniques to create worthwhile content, and using AI is one such way. With smart automation, it’s now possible for businesses to achieve greater efficiency in their online presence while still meeting search engine standards of quality writing. Google has, however, provided a guideline on AI-generated content stating that it should not be used for harmful/illegal activities, misinformation, spam, sexually explicit content, etc. 
  • AI Utilisation in Voice Search – Voice search has revolutionised the way people interact with technology. As AI-powered voice assistants become more ubiquitous, optimising for this new type of query has grown increasingly important. By strategically employing conversational keywords and phrases that leverage natural language processing techniques – just like those used by Siri or Alexa – businesses can ensure their content remains relevant in a fast-changing online landscape.
  • AI-powered Chatbots – AI-powered chatbot technology is revolutionising customer support and SEO strategies. For e.g. ChatGPT’s ability to engage with users in real-time while collecting live data on their responses, preferences, and behaviors provides businesses the opportunity to develop more advanced SEO strategies and reach more people faster than ever before.

AI might be making waves in the search engine market, but it’s not without a few bumps along the way. For example, controlling who is at the top of rankings and tracking referrals may soon become more challenging as Bing and Google fully incorporate AI into their search algorithms. With no clear answer yet on attribution for these sources, search marketers should keep an eye on how this will evolve.

Overall AI is not only changing the way people work but also transforming the business landscape, creating a new era of convenience and efficiency, by automating mundane tasks and providing valuable insights, it’s becoming ever-more integral to success in modern times. It’s definitely a thrilling time that begs to ask: what incredible things can we do next?

Joe Volcy

Joe Volcy is the founder and CEO of Volvox Digital. Joe is an award-winning SEO and Content Marketing expert with over ten years experience in maximising organic performance and developing inbound marketing strategies for both B2B and B2C clients.